sort < hello.txt # Sorts hello.txt
sort <<< "${var}" # Sorts content of variable var
All you need to be proficient at Bash scripting
This is not intended to be a complete guide
I am self-taught in Bash
What is bash?
Usage for developers
How should I write it?
Scripting advice
Bash swiss army knife
Free, open source Unix Shell
Written by Brian Fox for GNU Project in 1989
Replacement for Bourne Shell
POSIX compliant
Bash means Bourne-Again Shell
Default version on Mac is 3.2
(2006) for licensing issues
Default version on most linux distributions is 4.4
Latest version is 5.2.15
On CI for builds
On developer computers for tooling
On staging stacks via SSH for debugging
Shellcheck is available in:
No excuses!
A cheatsheet you can come back to at any moment
A longer course from MIT
For programs that read standard input
sort < hello.txt # Sorts hello.txt
sort <<< "${var}" # Sorts content of variable var
printf 'hello' > out.txt # Writes standard output (hello) to out.txt
printf 'hello' >> out.txt # Appends standard output (hello) to out.txt
command 2> err.txt # Writes standard error to err.txt
command &> all.txt # Writes standard output & error to all.txt
command > all.txt 2>&1 # Writes standard output & error to all.txt (POSIX way)
printf 'hello' > /dev/null # Discards standard output
printf 'hello' 1>&2 # Write hello to standard output (syntactic sugar: >&2)
printf 'hello' | grep 'toto' # Pipes standard output (hello) to grep
name='Toto' # /!\ No spaces around = in bash assignations /!\
echo "Hello ${name}\n" # Variable is substituted in double quotes, prints 'Hello Toto'
echo 'Hello ${name}\n' # Variable is not substituted in simple quotes, prints 'Hello $name'
functionName() { # Classic syntax for declaration
scriptName=$0 # $0 is the script name
firstArgument=$1 # $n is the script's nth argument
allArgs=$@ # $@ is all the arguments
argsNumber=$# # $# is the number of arguments
grep toto <<< 'toto' # Return code is 0 === success
grep toto <<< 'tata' # Return code is 1. Any code !== 0 is an error
lastReturnCode=$? # $? contains the return code of the last command
command && { printf 'OK'; } # The block after && executed if command succeeds
command || { printf 'KO'; } # The block after || executed if command fails
# $() retrieves the standard output of a method
greeting="$(echo "Hello $name")"
# Less known, <() puts the standard output of a method in a temp file
# greetingFile is the path to a temporary file where the greeting was written
greetingFile=<(echo "Hello $name")
Conditionals in bash are expressions.
Return code 0 = true, any other is false
if grep --silent 'toto' <<< 'tata'; then
# Executed if grep returns 0
# Executed if grep returns anything else
[[ "${var}" = 'toto' ]] # Expressions in [[]] return 0 if true, non-zero otherwise
[[ "${var}" = 'toto' || "${var}" = 'tata' ]] # Composite conditionals
# Which means you usually write
if [[ "${var}" == 'toto' ]]; then
# executed if var is toto
In a folder containing
├── bar
├── img.png
├── img.jpg
├── img.svg
├── foo1
├── foo2
├── foo3
└── foo99
rm foo? # Removes foo1, foo2 & foo3
rm foo?? # Removes foo99
rm foo* # Removes foo1, foo2, foo3 & foo99
rm img.{svg,png} # Removes img.svg & img.png
rm img.* # Removes img.svg img.jpg & img.png
rm foo{1..2} # Removes foo1 & foo2
rm foo{*,99} # Removes ?
# Only foo99!
[[ 'toto' =~ (to){3} ]] # Returns 0, the string matches the regex
[[ 'toto' =~ $regex ]] # Returns 1, the string does not match the regex
[[ '(to){3}' =~ "$regex" ]] # Returns 0, the regex is matched as a string /!\
# Before starting: $var = ${var}, $1 = ${1}
# Substitutions look like: ${<varName><substitutionCharacter><fallbackIfVariableIsUnset>}
# For substitutions below, adding : before the substitution character adds empty value to failure cases
# Otherwise, only unset values fall in failure cases
toto=${var1-Nope} # fallback value (Nope) if var1 is unset
toto=${1?Missing parameter toto} # error with message if $1 is unset
length=${#var} # returns the length of $var
offset=${var:2} # returns the value of var, starting with an offset of 2
offset=${var:2:5} # same but only returns 5 characters from the offset start
replaced=${var/[0-9]/?} # replaces the first number in $var with ?
replaced=${var//[0-9]/?} # replaces all numbers in $var with ?
secretToken=${!TOKEN_VAR} # secretToken == TOKEN, useful for hard-wiring global vars
# /!\ The commands below only work with Bash 4+
You probably know enough though
declare -a array # Create indexed array: keys are integers
declare -A array # Create declarative array: keys are whatever the hell you want (strings)
array=() # Create an indexed array without values
array=('titi tata' toto) # Create an indexed array with 2 values
arraySize=${#array[@]} # Gives the size: 2
array2ndElement=${array[1]} # Gives the second element, toto
array+=(tutu tete) # Appends to an array
array[2]=(tee-tee) # Updates array item
for item in "${array[@]}"; do ... done # Loops on an array
sliced=("${array[@]:1:2}") # Slices array, offset 1, 2 elements
declare -p array # Log the array in the form: declare -a array=([0]="titi tata" [1]="toto")
printf "${array[@]}" # A simpler version but less clear: titi tata toto
Maintainability means:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euxo pipefail # Fail ASAP, log commands before running them
test -f '/path/to/lib' && { source "$_"; } # Load libs from FS
main() ( # One big function executed in a sub-shell
if isHelp; then displayHelpAndReturn; fi
arg1="${1?Missing path to lib}" # Check inputs first
arg2="${2?Missing bla bla}"
_importedCommand "$arg1" # Use functions to make script readable
command1 "$arg1"
command2 "$arg2"
command1() ( # Declared below main declaration but not usage!
command2() ( ... )
main "$@" # Passing all script params to main
Disclaimer: these are my own, they’ve helped me a lot though
Rule | Reason |
Use double quotes only when there is a substitution | Makes it easier to spot constants from templated strings |
Quote everything unless you have a good reason not to | Minimizes errors due to word splitting |
Prefix external methods/constants with _ | Makes it easier to spot them and find where they are implemented |
Casing: * UPPER_SNAKE_CASE for constants and global variables | Makes them easier to differentiate |
Use full flags in CLI tools | More explicit, ex: |
files=`ls` # Back-tick syntax is deprecated in bash
files="$(ls)" # The syntax to use
[ -n "${fileName}" ] # Uses /usr/bin/[
test -n "${fileName}" # Uses /usr/bin/test
[[ -n "${fileName}" ]] # Prefer built-in syntax, can't be messed with
Some variable names are reserved
Some are used by other tools
Use precise/namespaced names for upper-case variables
Imports are resolved from cwd
in bash!
# Bad way
source ./ # Resolves to ~/ if cwd=~ and /tmp/ if cwd=/tmp
# Better way
dir="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"" # Gets script dir, see one-liners
source "${dir}/"
A subshell is a separate instance of the command processor (here, Bash)
( cd /tmp; ls ) # Anything inside parenthesis happens in a subshell
$( cd /tmp; ls ) # Same thing, just capturing stdout too
# Piping creates a subshell
cat file.txt | while read -r line; do
# In a subshell here
# This does not create a subshell
while read -r line; do
# Not in a subshell here
done < file.txt
In a subshell, you can’t modify the outside state, meaning
( cd /tmp; ls ) # cwd != /tmp after this line, only the subshell got cd-ed
var=toto; (var=tata); echo "${var}" # Outputs toto
while read -r line; do
done < file.txt
echo "${var}" # Outputs tutu
This is a tricky one
set -e # The script fails on any uncaught errors from now on
# What do you think this does?
grep --silent toto <<< 'tata' && { printf 'OK!\n'; }
# It EXITS! Error case is not caught
grep --silent 'a' <<< 'b' || { printf 'OK!\n'; } # The error is caught here
if grep --silent 'a' <<< 'b'; then # Prefer using if, it catches all errors
echo 'OK'
A nice collections of things to know/install
Save them somewhere!
# Create a temporary file and write its path on stdout
mktemp -f toto-XXX.txt # The XXX are replaced by random characters
# Retrieve the path to the file being executed
dir="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
# What it does:
# * ${BASH_SOURCE[@]} contains the path to the current script
# * dirname extracts the containing folder path
# * cd cds to it
# * pwd prints the absolute path to the current directory
# cd/pwd is the most portable link resolver
# Escape any character with, even line breaks, improves readability
command \
| uniq \
| sort \
> output.txt
cat ~/Horrible\ file.txt # Also works with names containing spaces
# Group outputs with blocks
command1 > output.txt # Big chance of using a > by mistake later
command2 >> output.txt
command3 > output.txt # And ruining the beginning of the file, oops!
command1; command2; command3
} > output.txt # No risk of error!
# Pushd with auto-popd!
set -e
cd "$folder"
env SHELLOPTS=xtrace bash ./ # Run any script with set -x
I’ll enrich this section as I go along
curl THE most used CLI HTTP client
htop process inspector
fd to replace find
rg (RipGrep) to replace grep
tree replaces ls for nested folders
fuck fix typos in previous command
bat cat on steroids (syntax coloration, git integration…)
jq JSON parser (use 1.5+ to keep property order)
yq YAML equivalent of jq
xmlstarlet XML parser
xsv CSV parser
Making sure it executes properly on all systems by avoiding non-portable commands
Command | Reason | Recommandation |
GNU version (Linux) and FreeBSD (Mac) differ on some flags. Syntax hard to read. | For structured formats (JSON etc.) use a real parser. Otherwise, use | |
Some flags ( | Use printf | |
Mac does not have the GNU version of readlink |
| |
Direct shebangs | Programs are not always installed at the same place |
Shell flags not in shebangs | Some systems will ignore them or crash |
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